Thursday, January 20, 2005

Time Keeping

I have realised that I am totally old school British when it comes to time keeping. I can't stand lateness! Everytime we arrange to meet anyone here, whether it be socially or to do with renting apartments or anything like that, they are invariably late. It drives me mad. We have decided not to put up with it anymore. When we were supposed to be meeting the Irish chaps and the local Brazillian girls the other night - neither of the groups turned up on time. We left the meeting spot for the Irish guys so they never got to party with us. We decided that they were lucky to have been invited out with us so the least they could do was be on time - they weren't, so we left. The girls were late too! Over a few drinks we explained how this was winding us up and explained that British people like to be on time (and to queue).

We arranged to meet the local girls the next day to go to the historical centre to see a few sights. They don't have much money so we said that we would buy them lunch in a really nice place. We knew that this would mean that they would definitely come. They seemed very excited about the day ahead. So, we agreed the time and place and repeatedly told them that we were serious about the time. They were just laughing thinking that it was all a joke and not really understanding why we wouldn't be happy to wait for them for up to an hour. The next day we arrived at the agreed meeting place a good five minutes prior to the meeting time. We waited for twenty minutes and then left. They can stick their lunch where the sun doesn't shine! WHY CAN'T PEOPLE KEEP THEIR WORD?

I am forever telling my sister to take the same attitude with her husband. He is notorious for constantly being up to an hour late. My theory is that you need to train these people. Give them about fifteen minutes and then leave, go to the party alone, go to the shops or wherever you were supposed to be going alone. They will soon learn that they need to be on time to be included. Why is their time so much more important than yours? Some may say that I am a hard woman............but its not as though these people didn't agree to the time themselves. Maybe its the lawyer in me - a contract is a contract and it should be honoured.

Right rant over.

I was horrified to hear about the attitude of women here to sex. The girls we had drinks with were really puzzled as to why Jo and I didn't want to meet local boys every night. We explained that we had boyfriends but they just kept saying " yes but they are not here". They don't seem to have a concept of monogomy. They say that the boys all have about ten girlfriends at once so they do it too. They also said that by the time a girl is 15 years old here in Brazil it is quite common for her to have had 15 sexual partners!!! That is more than I've had in my life and I am 30 years old! They said that girls of 30 will have no idea how many sexual partners they have had. No wonder that half of the population has got AIDS. They also said that as soon as they meet a boy they will have sex with them on the first night. We were trying to expain the whole concept of dating and explaingin that you go out with a boy for quite a lot of dates before you even consider having sex with them. (Sorry Dad if you are reading this - I know you probably want to pretend that I have never had sex - but this is interesting cultural stuff in my opinion).

The local girls couldn't believe that European boys would wait. I tried to explain to them that if all girls join forces and act this way - then the boys will have to wait won't they. I realised how lucky I am to come from a country where women have the strength to question and say no to men. I think this cultural inequality in the sexes is what leads to this promiscuity. The girls just didn't really believe that they had the power to say no to men. Its very sad. The country seems so modern in so many other ways.

On to cultural experiences of an architectural nature. The historic centre of Rio is not really that impressive. I wouldn't come out of your way on a world trip to see any major buildings here. The only exception is the Opera House / National Theatre. This was absolutely beautiful. It is strategically positioned so that from the circular waiting rooms on the gallery floor you have a view of both the statute of Christ and Sugar loaf mountain - this is not always easily achieved as the two are very far away from each other and the whole place is littered with mountains (obscuring your view). Ten points to the arhitects for choosing this spot. There were two architects - a French man and a Brasilian man and so there are many interesting fusions of the European and the South American influences.

The most impressive part of the Opera house is, funnily enough, the basement restaurant. It is underneath the stage and has no windows but it is so alive with character. It is covered from floor to ceiling with mosaics tiles, with amazing egyption scenes depicted along the walls. I didn't really get a answer as to the significance of the Egyption scenes. They are not to be questioned though as they are so breathtaking.

Throughout our tour around the Opera House we were entertained by two supersized Americans. We had a good laugh with these guys and even got the bus back to Ipanema with them. The younger one (about 40) was a lawyer in New York (I seem to attract lawyers - I have met two others so far. I take their cards - you never know when they might come in handy!). The older one was of Polish origin and he was about 60 (and not too happy about the bus journey). We were also fascinated by another couple on the tour. A retired and very well spoken chap from London and a twenty something tight bodied boy of Brasillian origin. We are certain that they were lovers (or that this love was being rented for a temporay period). In the waiting room, from which you can see both the Statue of Christ and Sugar loaf, there is a seat which the guide explained has a reputation as being the love seat. They say that if you sit on that seat together then you will be married within two weeks. We were all sitting on this particular seat when the guide told us this and both Jo and I noticed the old guy say to the young boy "I accept". I humoured them and offerd to take a photo of them together with the boy's camera - just to try and tempt the old one into putting his arm round the young one. It didn't work though. They just snuggled in close to each other. This was childish of me - I know.

I must just interupt my writing to tell you that the boy behind the counter in the internet shop has just leaned too far back in his chair and fallen off it. I heard a bang and looked over to the desk and could just hear a gigling coming from behind the desk. He was on his backside on the floor laughing his head off unable to get back up. I actually know how this feels because I remember a time on secondment to Alliance & Leicester Bank when I stood up from my chair to reach to the overhead cupboard to get out a file. When I sat back down I ended up on the floor with a bang. My arse had obviously pushed the chair out from behind me and it wasn't in the same place I had left it in. I also lay on the floor in hysterics on that occasion. That is typical of me - to draw attention to my failings. Anyone else would have jumped up before anyone noticed them - but I laughed out loud and shouted to people to look at what I had done. Its like when I get a top from the market or something - I always seem to have to tell poeple how cheap something is that I am wearing. I'm sure others would hide this fact and not mention such things. I just have a compulsion to declare bargains and admit idiotic acts.

We nearly got locked out the other day. We told the cleaner to lock up after herself and put the key under the door. About five hours later I realised that the little key that I had given the cleaner was for a different lock in the door to the key that I had on my person. It was ok though beause my skinny fingers could fit under the door and fish out the key that she had slid under. Close shave.

hasta luego mis amigos

S xx

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