Friday, January 07, 2005

beach life

Hello bloggers,

First day on the beach today. Just a couple of hours. The clouds and rain had gone and so it was a perfect day. It was sooooooooo hot! Jo and I have been discussing again how we have never seen so many beauthiful people in one place before in our lives. Its really unbeliveable.

We are living in an apartment now. Its in a really good spot and its just perfect for us. I had a cold shower with no towel today though because we didn't know how to turn the hot water thing on and couldn't find the towels. It was quite refreshing actually. The owner guy has been round now though and turned on the water and given us towels.

We keep watching a hilarious programme on mtv here where crazy Brasilian teenagers enter dancing competitions. It is so amusing. They are like jack-in -a boxes!

I think I mentioned yesterday how everyone stares at you here. Well, today when the owner of the aprtment was coming to meet me - I asked him what he looked like and he just said he hasd green eyes. He didn1t give me any other pointers - just that. I think its because he thinks that I will be staring at everyone's eyes like they do. How strange!

Lots of love

S xx

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