Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Fairwell carnivhell

Hola Bloggers,

Well the carnival has now ended (or "carnivhell" as Jo and I have named it). Last night was the final night. Our friend who we met on the plane coming here from Rio (Jose Manuel - from Venezuela but living in Chile) called round to our apartment at around 6pm yesterday unexpectedly and so we spent the final night of carnivhell with him and with two other people who joined our party in a bar. Well actually with one other person because we got rid of the third one as soon as we realised he was interested in the young prostitutes hangin around! He had seemed ok up until this point and had given me his email address for when I move on to Chile. He was a lawyer and seemed to have brain. However, it turned out that he was ruled by the little man downstairs rather than the brain in his head! I was about to throw away the piece of paper with his email address on it after he had left but Jo (slightly drunk) decided to eat the piece of paper - thus saving anyone else from picking it up and getting involved with him.

We only really got to know about his desire for prostitutes (one of which he left with might I add!) because our good friend Jose Manuel had been listening in to him talking to girls and picked up what was going on. When he invited a girl over to talk to him we thought it was his friend but poor Jose Manuel switched chairs so fast and looked a little frightened by the girl that it became obvious to me that something was up. He then explained to me what was going on and said we should get rid of them. We didn't need to worry because the two of them left of their own accord fairly promptly. I wouldn't like to think about where they went.

The other person in our group for the night was a hysterical guy from Twickenham. He was trying his best to speak a bit of Spanish and Portguese whenever he could but it was straight out of a coemdy sketch. Everything ending in "o"! He had obviously read a few words in a book but was not sure of pronounciation and was saying everything with a Michael Caine like drawl. We were splitting our sides at him all night long. He was smoking cigars as well which just added to the comedy of his personna. He was an absolute star and entertained us all night long. He had been travelling with a friend but the friend was in the apartment with a suspected broken leg. Marlon, as he was called, was calling his friend a hypocondriac and saying that he didn't believe his leg was hurt at all. I suggested to Jo later that maybe his friend just couldn't take any more of Marlon's constant Michael Caine Spanish any longer and had pretended to be injured to get away from him. He was certainly the type of person that you would have a fantastic time with for a night or two but then you'd just have to seek some peace and quiet.

So, carnivhell is over. Its still raining, unfortunately. We entertained ourselves today by going to the cinema because we realised that the film was in English but with Portugese subtitles. We saw Closer. Its good (especially if you like Jude Law .......are their actually any girls out there who don't like Jude Law?).

Lots of love

S xx

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