Monday, June 26, 2006

monkey business

I feel like a monkey today. I know I can be a cheeky monkey but I am refering to my arms. I went to the gym today for the first time since, ooh about March or April, and I think I overdid it really. Or maybe it was the shoping afterwards. I normally follow a session at the gym with a session at Corte Ingles, as said shop is nicely positioned between gym and home. Would be silly not to pop in when passing. Anyway, I bought lots of food. I usually by treat food from Corte Ingles, as its kind of like buying your food from selfridges - you just don't. Actaully its not that bad on price, she says defending her habits. I digress.

I subsequently walked home laden with jars of fancy mushrooms (one of which I smashed on Cort Ingles floor - whoops), peaches in wine, sushi making kits .....and other goodies. By golly were the bags heavy.....but I absolutel refuse to get a taxi. I force myself to walk everywhere. After climbing Machu Pichu successfully you can hardly moan at eight blocks with heavy shopping bags, come on!

The monkey arms have been further stretched today by a jaunt to the cheapo shop to buy five litres of drinking water and five litres of water for the iron. Add to that a bag of fruit and veg from the local fruiteria and you get the picture. I don't know, maybe I'm feeble in the arms department. My arms are not exactly thickly set. They are no long though, longer than before.

S xx

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