Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Hola Blogers,

Well its springtime here. The cherry blosoms are blosoming and the layers of clothes are coming off. I must admit it is still very changeable and so the weather can not be guaranteed upon just yet - but last Thursday it was 20 degrees and I was walking about in just a t- shirt (like the true Brit that I am!).

The most exciting thing I have done recently was to go to the Barca v Chelsea match at the Camp Nou. We all know the result by now - and it wasn't any big surprise was it. Barca are amazing at the moment and deserved to win. It was interesting to see the top three players in the world on the pitch at the same time (we ahve two of them every week of course!).

I have just enjoyed a couple of days int eh company of Adrian Joyce (for those of you who know him). Olswangs had a jolly in Barcelona and he stayed ona few days to entertain me. For those of you have never been to Barcelona but have been to New York - Adrian is adamant that they are very similar - well just the part where I live and God only knows which part of New York. I can't see it myself but he said it at least three times each day.

Little Lourdes is still waiting to here about her future. She has been put on the reserve list for a place at the boarding school in England and has another two weeks to go to find out if any of the girls offered a secure place turn it down. I think she has done well to get on the reserve list because plenty have been given a straight no - and she is doing all of this in a foreign language! So, well done to her.

I've got a few intersting trips coming up - so this blog might start to get more interesting again! I'm going to Peru in May with my Dad. We are going to climb Machu Pichu together - as we promised each other last year when I went to South America ......but I never actually got to Peru. This time its a definite. Flight booked and everything.

Hopefully, Jose and I will be going out to South America again in late September -to Colombia this time. He has been invited to speak at a conference in Cartagena de las Indias and so he says we had better make a holiday out of it. Sounds good to me! What with the honeymoon flights now booked too, it is looking like I am going to be travelling a fair bit this year. The honeymoon has been set for a few days in Athens and a couple fo weeks in Santorini - a small and beautiful Greek island that is coming highly recommend by many travellers and travel web sites alike. I am having trouble choosing the accomodation .....because the choice is too good. There is a plethora of small, boutique, original buildings carved into the rock face with views of the volcanoe and the islands popping up every where which are left overs from the eruptions. What with infinity pools and world reknowned sun sets its becoming just far too exciting to sensibly settle on anything.

Other than travel arrangements, I seem to be knee deep in cake, flower and car choices for the wedding. On this front, I am full of ideas but seem to have very expensive taste - which I am trying my hardest to curb. Only 18.5 weeks to go!

S xx

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