Friday, April 11, 2008

I'm Back!

Yeah yeah it has been too long. I know! Its just that life is so different now. Its not that I am particularly weighed down with work due to having Olivia. She is a really good baby and very happy and content to be left playing while I do housey things ......its just that I would much rather play with her than go to my computer. So many people have been complaining though so I thought I would force myself to do a blog update.

Olivia is presently sat by me in a donought decorated like the jungle with animals hanging over her head and listening to Mozart. What a life hey. Every so often she sees me and gives me one of her big gummy smiles, or breaks into a laughing fit. She does that. Just cracks up laughing for not very much at all. My Mum has just been here for a week and couldn't believe how much she laughs.
Things are getting a little bit harder as she sleeps less during the day now. She used to sleep for a good 2 hours in the morning and then twice more for an hour or so but lately she only seems to sleep for half an hour three times a day. Feeding her is not so easy anymore either. Breastfeeding is so easy and so quick and I am still doing that but she is obviously hungrier now and needing a bit more as she has started waking up in the night more, putting everything in her mouth, staring at my food, wanting to feed more often etc. So, this week I have started offering her mashed up fruit and veg after her breast feeding. It takes ages though. mess up everything and doesn't actually echieve much as she just hasn't sussed out what to do yet. If any of the food actually gets into her mouth then I think she likes it but she doesn't know about opening her mouth and letting a spoon in. she just tried to grab it and wave it around - hence food everywhere. Nightmare. Every stage has its ups and downs I suppose.
Last week she learnt how to flip over from her back on to her tummy so now she does it every chance she gets, including in her cot at night I have to run in and flip her back when I hear the frustrated grunts over the monitor so that she doesn't suffocate.
I am totally back to my old figure, in fact I am a bit slimmer than I was when I became pregnant - but only because at that time I was a few pounds heavier than usual. Pounding the streets of Valencia with my much loved Bugaboo is what does it. I am certainly eating whatever I want. They say breastfeeding burns a lot of calories though - I think 500 a day. So any of you girls who think that having a baby menas you loose your figure - don't worry. I think I look better than I did before!
Right I am going to get a shower whilst little missy is sleeping. I will really try to keep up to the blog a bit more. I promise!
Lots of love
S xx

1 comment:

Jo Harper said...

Glad u r back!! Hope all went well on Sat - I called you on your cell xx Miss u loads x