Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Just thought you'd like to know that I have been making good use of all the figs I got from the farm. I have done some amazing things! The figs we have are called Mission figs - they are dark red inside and purple outside and they are just divine. Here are few of the ways we have been eating them :

Cut in halves and marinated for 2 hours in desert wine, cinamon and sugar, then baked in the oven and served with mascarpone.

Cut in hakves and baked in the oven with goats cheese on top and a sprinkling of balsamic vinegar.

Cooked in a pan in balsamic vinegar and sugar then served on ciabatta toast and drizzled with yoghurt and honey.

I think Olivia has been liking them too! Went for a scan today and the doc said we are definitely dealing with a bigger than average baby. She already weighs 1 and a half kilos ( about 3 pounds 3) and I have just read on the internet that at this stage the normal is 1 kilo (2 pounds 2). So she's a big one. The doc measured the length of her foot and it was just over 6 cms - which is actually quite big when you consider she has another 12 weeks inside of me to do.

I am obviously very proud that she is growing so well - but this does not bode well for the birth!!

I start my pre birth swimming class next week (exercises under water at a physiotherapy centre) - lets hope these classes keep her trim rather than building up her muscles as well as mine!

S xx

1 comment:

© Paul Anthony Ramsden 2024 said...

these figs sound tasty and the way you cook them sounds divine.