Well here she is! And here I am - finally getting round to blogging! Olivia was born on 16 / 11 /07 - so she is going to be four weeks old this Friday.
She was born by emergency cesarian after 7 hours of labour. They induced me because the placenta and amniotic fluid were both starting to run out - so this menat that she wasn't actually ready to come out and so hadn't dropped down and engaged far enough. We tried to get her out naturally - I dilated fully and actually found contractions to be no big deal. Ididn't need the epidural or indeed any kind of pain relief - to the complete surprise of the medical team who said I must have a ridiculously high pain threshold. I was chatting and cracking jokes and never even said "ow" (which ll bodes well for future births). Anyway, despite that, Olivia was not coming down at the right angle and with every contraction her heart rate was soaring and the doctors didn't want her being frustrated / stressed any longer so they did a C- section.
She weighed 3 kilos 100 grams abd was 51.5 cm long (for a week 39 baby girl that is very long). She now weighs about 4 kilos and we haven't actually measured her in length but she is stupidly long with fingers that could play next door's piano never mind her own. Her feet are enormous too. Everything is pointing towards her being very tall.
She has blue eyes but jet black hair so if she stays that way she will be a distinctive mix of her spanish and english genes.
As for Jose and I - we are doing great and loving being parents. She is a really good baby who never cries unconsolably or anything like that. My mum was here for 2 weeks after the birth to look after us (ie do all the cooking and cleaning!) and I though I would find it hard after she went, but it has been great. I've managed to make sushi and all sorts while she has bene sleeping.
I was doing the controversial Gin Ford routine for feeding and naps but, since going to the farm this weekend with my extended spanish family, the routine has gone out the window and I am letting Olivia lead the way. She seems to be in a routine herself now (I think aided by the way I inplemented one over the first few weeks) so we are doing fine with her being boss - generally feeding every 3 hours in the day and every four at night.
She has ogt her Spanish passport and the english one is in the post from the mebassy in Madrid - so we will be going to Yorkshire for xmas. The poor thing will freeze because it has been has high as 24 degrees some days here, with the lowest being about 17. Mum has already bought her some woollen gloves and hat.

The only thing that is bugging me is that I want to go the hairdressers to get highlights in my hair and its just not going to happen. It takes about three hours and so she is bound to wake up and need feeding at some point during that time .....and its not a very good place for a bbay to be with the smell of the chemicals and hair flying all over the place. So not only is fashion being sacrificed (need easy acces to the old milk machine and trousers won't quite fasten due to belly) but now hair is going to have to wait too. I can't complain really. My trousers won't fasten yet but they are all size 8 and 10 and I am nearly there and its only three weeks on. More photos will follow .....as we are taking plenty all the time.
Merry Xmas and a happy new year to you all. I won't get round to Xmas cards - I know that much already!
S xxx