Hola Blogers,
Well we are finally back to normal life after the best period in our lives so far. Both the wedding weekend and the honeymoon were amazing but now its back to work for Jose Ramon and back to being a domestic goddess/ lady if leisure for me.
We haven't got the professional photos of the wedding yet but we do have a few that friends have passed on so I'll set out a few details of the wedding in this blog and in the next few blogs.
The Friday night party before the wedding was a great success. We had around 100 people in the function room and bar of the hotel, mixing, mingling and generally getting excited about the wedding. It was amazing to see so many of our favourite people in one room - a taster of what was to come the next day and an opportunity to take that in without being so caught up with the process of the wedding. Although having said that, for at least an hour I felt like all that I was doing was saying "Hola" or "Hi", kissing peoples' cheeks and saying "Gracias" or "Thank you" to all the "you look lovely" comments. I was kind of stuck at the entrance to the room greeting people as they arrived. Dad seemed to be doing the same, as was Jose and his Dad.
Two of our friends had been holidaying in Scotland beforehand and made a surprise entrance in full scottish dress. They are Spanish - which confused a few people! They both wore boxer shorts under their kilts. Spoilsports. However, I am reliably infromed that one of them was most defintely without his boxershorts later on in the nightclub! I didn't witness this exposure first hand as I retired to bed to get my beauty sleep at approximately 1.30am, shaparoned (spelling?) by the lovely Nena who was at my side throughout the whole wedding build up. Nena - you were fantastic!
My beauty sleep was awoken by two disturbances. The first being Fede and Inaki (Spanish friends) shouting at the top of their drunken voices in the street outside the hotel at about 4am. Apparently they had forgotten which hotel we were in, gone to a different one (only to be escorted out), called their girlfirends/wives for directions and then began shouting from the street to let EVERYONE know that they had arrived! The second disturbance was an almightly thunderstorm. Yorkshire, like the rest of England, had been enduring a heat wave for the previous month with temperatures of 30 degrees. I had kept saying to my family that I predicted that this luck would break on the day of the wedding. I am not often wrong! It absolutely poured it down all morning and later again during the wedding. More on that when I get round to writing about the actual wedding.
S xx
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