Question: What does a woman with too much time on her hands do?
Answer: See picture.
One of the things I bought yesterday in Corte Ingles (which lead to monkey arms - see last blog) was a suchi making set. Firstly, it is obvious I have too much time on my hands by the sheer fact that I noticed said set on shelves. I remember the days when I would fly round Waitrose (Holloway Road, London) like a woman possessed, honing in on products like a condor. When I was working I did not have time to aimlessly amble around supermarkets wondering what new products were lining the shelves. I would have decided on the tube home from the office what I wanted to eat that night, done a Rain Man like check through the contents of my kitchen cupboards (in my mind of course), realised what was missing for newly chosen dinner and swoop upon waitrose like there was a war about to start. This was because every minute in the supermarket was a minute not spent socialising, pampering, talking on the phone, watching tv, going to the gym......generally enjoying life. The split of hours between work and lesiure just never seemed right. However, I now please myself virtually all of the time! Whoo Hoo! It can't last. something will happen - I just know it. I'll end up having the most boisterous, attention demanding children that have ever walked this planet.
Back to the sushi. Living the life that enables you to notice sushi making sets in the deepest corners of a supermarket also enables you to toss about in the kitchen actually trying to make sushi. I must admit that my attempts are not great, the rolls are not exactly equal looking on each end and so obviously the better side is showing on the photos. However, I think my attempts are passable for a test run.
You will note that I ahven't gone to town on the fillers. I wasn't going to waste expensive produce on the first roll. It could ahve ended up on the floor for all I knew. So, just a 1 euro mango and abit of red pepper have been inserted for now. I will continue in this new found hobbie and I will improve and become more adventurous (she repeats to herself in a mantra like manner).
I am sure I will become good at this because its not too disimilar to rolling something else I can think of. Which I mastered at age 15 and never lost the talent for. There are knacks with these things that come with time. I'll get there in the end.
The sushi has been made, by the way, to accompany tonight's Spain v France game in the world cup. Jose will need food which is edible from the coffee table by the sofa. He has already made that request. It was requested for all world cup games but I negotiated him down to just England and Spain games. For any other games we shall eat at the table like normal civilised human beings and then retire to the sofa for the rest of the game. A fair deal I thought.
S xx
1 comment:
Get a bloody job
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