As you can see we have been skiing again. This time we went to Baquiera (in Spain) and we took Jo along (who turned out to be hilarious on a pair of skis!).
Jo couldn't remember how to stop, or ski for that matter, so she just threw herself on the floor when she needed to stop, casuing much injury and much laughter. After nearly collapsing with hysterics, Jose kindly began to teach her and I did a few runs on my own (its so nice to be able to do that now). I am so hooked on skiing now.
Two major things happend on the Saturday. The first was Jo flying into a ski lift telegraph pole thing (which luckily for her had been enveloped in a kind of mattress thing) and loosing one ski - which comically remained sticking out of the telegraph pole somehow.
The second was at the end of the day. Jose suddenly realised that they were closing the ski lift that we needed to take to get to the other mountain where our car was. He started having a panic and telling us to get down the slope really quickly. Well, Jo couldn't go so fast (without falling every 20 metres and ploughing into things). We told him it was no big deal (as we knew there would be somebody around to give us a lift in a car) but he was getting panicky. Jose's idea was for me to ski down the slope as fast as I could and then wait at the bottom, and for him to get Jo down. So, off I went - with no idea of how he was going to get Jo down.
I waited patiently at the bottom of the slope and then all of a sudden I saw them hurtling down the slope - Jose with Jo on his back like a piggy back! He seemed to be expertly skiing down. Thing is, he then saw me and so tried to stop close by to me - but misjudged the stopping distance required (due to the extra weight on his back) and kamakazied into me and sent me up in the air........only to land on his knees! He screamed blue murder, I scrambled to get off him and it was all rather scary!
A few hours later he couldn't walk. The next morning we went to the hospital and they strapped him up and told him he had done somthing to his ligament. The precise extent of the damage couldn't be confirmed until he had an electro resonance thing done a week later. Whoops ! Needless to say that he didn't ski on Sunday. It was his own fault though - as he well knows.
Its now about three weeks later and he still hasn't been for the resonance thing doing. He reckons its ok now. I hope so! Oh and of course there was plenty of poeple around willing to give lifts to the other mountain - so it was all a panic about nothing (as we well knew!)
S xx
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