Sunday, February 06, 2005


Hola Bloggers,

Pelourinho is the only pleasant part of Salvador. Its gorgeous - like an oasis in the desert compared to the rest of the place. We went to Pelourinho for the day and ended up staying into the evening to enjoy thier carnival celebrations. Its the historic centre of Salvador with beautiful pastel pianted palacial buildings interspersed with cobbled narrow streets with yet more pastel piatned buildings. The feel is much more carribean than south american and the carnival floats were in that vain aswell - more reggae based music (right up my street).

We sat in the town square for an hour or two in the sun and watched the nutters in the costumes come by. They made great photo fodder. In fact one of the groups of men dressed as women decided that we were good photo fodder and gathered around us for their photo taking.

The funniest sights has got o be the two gay guys in a cafe who were making full make up and jewellery. One of them looked just like Christopher Biggins. I got a photo of them and they loved the attention. Te christopher biggins one tried to feel up the hunky waiter as he walked past him and then all the waiters collapsed in hysterics ...........except the poor one who had just been molested.

Today we are sitting in a hotel miles away from the centre in an area where the guide book promised unpolluted waters and better beaches. It lied. Its disgusting and we are using the internet to try and find a hotel somewhere with a pool on a roof - so that we can escape this city! I'd get the next flight out of here but Jo can't afford to do that so we are going to try and see the funny side and grit our teeth until next Friday.

Lots of love

S xx

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