Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Diamonds are a girl's best friend


Shit weather again today. I bet you are all sniggering at that aren't you. Well don't laugh too much because I just mean that I can't go to the beach - i can still walk round with a short mini skirt and vest t shirt on so stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

Today's activities have included buying new bras for Jo. She has lost a lot of weight lately and has stopped taking the contraceptive pill and her once melon like boobs have just vamooshed. She is mortified and spends most of the day catching a glimpse of herself in a mirror and saying "just look at this, whats going on?". I am pissing myself because I've never been blessed in that department anyway and its funny to see her without any! One bonus of her not being able to fill her bra is that there was so much room in there that she could put all her money and bank cards and stuff down there to avoid carrying a bag that might attract the theives. Anyway, she now has new bras and so her money is down her sock!

We went to a museum of precious stones today and obviously I wanted to buy a fabulous ring in the shop attached to it. Why do I have such expensive taste? Why can't I like the dainty little ones that most people would be happy with? They just look rubbish to me. The only one in the whole shop that I liked (in fact loved!) worked out about eight and half thousand pounds. It was a 13 carat mid blue Topaz (my favourite colour) with about three quarters of a carrat of diamonds around it in three little pieces. It was a big rectangle but set of centre on your finger so it looked like a diamond shape, set in 18 carrat white gold. I managed to negotiate discounts and stuff and get it down to about 7 and a half thousand pounds. They well thought they were in when they found out i was a lawyer from England ........ but then I just took their business card and left and cheered my self up with some churros and chocolate froma street vender for about 30 pence. I was justifiying the expenditure on the ring in my head by thinking of what a good investment it is to buy stones abroad and then sell them in the UK. Hmm, but for those of you know my recent past, I figured I shouldn't be buying anything like this at least until that stone of death is sold and out of my life! That diamond certainly wasn't my best friend!

We are going to try and get to sleep before twelve tonight. We keep staying up till about 2 or three talking about boys and dreams and being total school girls ................but this means we don't wake up until about 11.30 and then we miss half the day. Oh well, its raining anyway and its nice to be all girly and silly together in our little house. We are playing house nicely and not falling out over any toys!

There are gyms all over the place here. I just spotted one in the park thing across the road (where I was playing on teh kids swings earlier - still being a child). There are gyms on nearly every street corner too and if I am understanding the portugese correctly then a lot of them have the slogan "muscles for all" on the window. Hillarious!

Right I'm going to go and get a drink now.

Lots of love, kisses ...........and muscles!

S xx

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